July 9, 2024
(4 mins)

Design Is Everything

Businesses invest in graphic design to stand out and enhance customer experiences.

It enables us to convey relevant messages, increase our sales and maximise our brand’s footprint.

But how can understanding this profession, of laying out images, text, colour and shapes, impact
your business?

Well, Graphic Design Creates A Lasting Impact from the Start.

Imagine a solopreneur starting a small bakery from her home – Sarah.

When she first launched, she used a basic, homemade logo, and simple packaging.

But with numerous bakeries in town, it became challenging to stand out.

Sarah decides to partner with a professional graphic designer, to unveil a new logo and beautiful packaging that matched the quality of her baked goods.

Her new branding starts to take shape, and the attention of potential customers.

Sarah is able to distinguish her brand and make a lasting impression, at a glance.

Almost immediately, she noticed an increase in customer inquiries and sales.

Not only does Sarah get to combat her initial problem of “not standing out”.

Now she can use compelling visuals to tell her story and establish her brand.

Graphic Design Makes Interactions Enjoyable

Consider this example.

John is a car mechanic, who manages an online shop selling parts.

Despite his range of high quality inventory, his website’s clustered design and difficult navigation led to high bounce rates and abandoned carts.

John decided to refine his website with the help of a creative partner.

The new design featured an intuitive layout, quality product images, and a seamless checkout process.

Customers began spending more time on the site, exploring his inventory, and completing purchases.

After enhancing the user experience online, John decided to apply some of the same principles to his brick and mortar location.

Not only did his investment improve customer satisfaction, but John was able to attract more customers with branded merchandise and in-shop products.

Lastly, Graphic Design Can Save Lives

Let’s shift gears.

I am reminded of this quote often. “Design is everything. Everything” by Paul Rand.

When you think about it, design is always around us. So much so, that we often take it for granted.

From the logos on the products we use at home, to the signage in business and forms at work.

Even in critical moments, Graphic Design acts as a silent hero.

In healthcare.

Clear, well-designed, signage in a hospital guides a frantic mother with her injured child to the emergency room.

Designers must take into consideration the heightened emotions involved in a hectic situation and then design accordingly in hopes of saving precious time and potentially someone’s life.

A similar scenario happens when a sudden fire alarm starts blaring in a busy airport.

Hopefully, exit maps and signs are designed for visibility and clarity to ensure orderly evacuation and the safety of lives.

According to statista.com, 73% of businesses use graphic design to stand out.

They invest in high quality design solutions to connect with their customers so they have a better understanding of their products.

Oftentimes, the process of creating visual content to communicate your message can reveal the exact problems you’re solving with your business.

If you’re looking to make a lasting impact, generate more revenue, and stand out in a noisy market, then graphic design should be considered a necessity.

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Design Is Everything

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